Monday, December 30, 2013

Thoughts on 2013

2014 is fast approaching, so here are some thoughts on this year:

I'm stronger and faster at the end of 2013 than I began the year.
I didn't set any goals for 2013 so I didn't know I'd end the year with 4 half marathons under my belt and shaving 10 minutes off my half time between May and November.  I'm also slowly learning to stop obsessing about data.  At the beginning of the year I was constantly looking to see progress and now I'm just checking in to see where I am.  It's actually liberating to run without constantly checking the pace.  That being said, I did get a Nike+ Sportwatch for Christmas (yay!) so I've been playing with that (and still figuring it out) so now I'll have immediate feedback instead of using my phone (and draining the battery).

I will be a kind runner.  
If you read my Princeton Half recap you'll know I was on the receiving end of some crappy runner etiquette.  I didn't like the way that felt,  and I've decided I will not make anyone else feel that way.

No judgement.  
Before I ran my first half marathon, I had a "goal" of not finishing last.  After running lots of races this year, I've decided finishing last is better than not starting at all.

You never know who is watching.
My daughter has run 2 kids races this fall and always asks me if I'm going to go for a run when she sees me in my running clothes.  The second question is: can she go too.  How can you say no to that? I'm thrilled my whole family is getting the running bug.
Helping mommy get ready to run

Pushing kiddo in the jogger.  Can definitely do this for more miles than I started the year.

Losing your toenail(s) is not so bad. 
Never thought I'd actually type that. After losing one on my left foot this summer and having a cracked big toenail and a black toenail on my right foot right now, having it fall off is not a huge deal.  I've taken to doing my own pedicures to spare anyone else from seeing what they look like so I will spare you from photos of my feet (I barely want to look at them myself). 

Races (of all lengths) are fun.
In addition to the half marathons I ran this year, I've done a 10 miler, a 5 miler, a 10k and some 5K's.  I loved each of the races for different reasons and am looking forward to the variety of 2014.  I love race day and approaching the start, but pre-race jitters are not fun.  One thing I'm working on for 2014 is not stress out as much pre-race.  That is definitely going to be a work in progress.
At the start of the Spring Lake 5
No cotton socks. 
I know this, however I get suckered into running socks that are cotton blends.  I got lulled into a false sense of security on training runs wearing them and my feet felt fine, however on race day I got blistered pretty good (which I'm sure is a contributing factor to the state of my feet right now).  So I plan to take better care of my feet in the coming year. 

Say Thank You.
Volunteers, race organizers and spectators are what make races awesome.  Also what I've learned this year is races are made exponentially better when you have your own cheering squad.  
Family and friends cheering me on at the Trenton Half
Pack smarter.
I have a very difficult time packing lightly and will pack what I like to call "options". I'm learning to strike a balance in being prepared for race day and having too much stuff.  I really hate being cold, so I tend to pack layers in case it's cold and then I can take something off...

I had a bag full of running clothes for an overnight, and this is the only thing I wore.
Cross training is your friend.
I totally look forward to yoga days to get a good stretch and strength training days.  I've been not as good lately about going to yoga, so I plan to get back on a regular schedule in 2014. 
Kiddo doing yoga on her "yellow" 
So we'll see what 2014 holds for us and I'm looking forward to the journey!  What are some things you've learned in the past year? 

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Catching up...and learning something new

I've been away from the blog for a few weeks, and one of my New Year's Resolutions is to be on a consistent blogging schedule, so why not start early.  Since the Trenton Half, I've been focusing on cross training and keeping up the regular runs to get ready for 2014 starting with WDW Marathon weekend where I'll be running the 10K and Half Marathon.  This is my first Disney race and our extended family is making the trip there will be a lot going on that weekend. So what have I been doing since the last race?

My husband, daughter and I did a Turkey Trot 5K Thanksgiving Day, where my husband and I took turns pushing kiddo in the jogging stroller.
Kiddo and I are in our matching Sparkle skirts

At the very cold start, kiddo has the best seat in the house.
The view from the first hill 
My favorite part of this race was seeing my kiddo so happy to run the final part of the race by herself.  I hope I instill a love of exercise and running as she grows up.  
I've also been running without tracking the data which has been nice, just go get out there and run and not necessarily be constantly thinking about how fast (or not) I've been going.  I haven't completely stopped using data, I'm just using data for check-ins to mark my progress every once in a while. 

I've also started running with my dog, which is definitely an exercise in patience as she would rather sniff everything than run with me.  Once we get going, she is definitely a happy camper and good to run along. 
Mid trot.

Yesterday I did a double workout, first with the trainer in the morning and then a 6 mile run in the afternoon.  The weather has been unseasonably warm after the snow last week (like 66 degrees yesterday) so my usual running path is now muddy and icy.  The good news about this is that it forced me to find a new trail, which is always good to have a backup place to run.  
Late afternoon sky at the end of the run yesterday

So, since it was so warm out yesterday, I decided to put on my warmer weather running gear (which also happens to be extremely bright). I put my keys in the back zipper pocket and as soon as I start running I realize my pants are falling down (I've never had a problem with these pants before).  I take my keys out of the pocket and stick them in my bra hoping that'll solve the problem...which solves the first problem. Now I have a new problem, my keys are poking me. There is no drawstring on the pants so I can't make them tighter, I also know there isn't enough daylight to go back in the house and get another pair of pants and run 6 miles before the sun goes down, so I try to fold the top over on the pants to keep them up...that doesn't work.  I then try to hike them up really high so that hopefully they stay up, which doesn't work either.  I finally realize that my shirt covers my pants so I'm not exposing myself and I can focus on running instead of my clothing.  Lesson learned: wear pants that have a waistband (and retire these pants from my running rotation).
Post run 
Have you had any running mishaps?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Trenton Half Marathon (11/9) Recap: Saving the best (half of 2013) for last

I'm a bit behind on race recaps, but this was the final half of 2013 so I guess that's partly why I've been postponing writing it up (and life getting the way).  This was the first year I ran the Trenton Half, we were supposed to run the 10K last year but kiddo woke up that morning with a very high fever so I didn't get to run. Coming off the Princeton Half 6 days before I wasn't sure how I was going to feel so I didn't come up with a race plan, the plan instead was to see how I felt and adjust accordingly.
Clothes laid out the night before and ready to go.

Since this race is a local race for me, I was excited because my extended family and friends were going to see me run and I was going to be one of 700+ members of Black Girls Run taking part in the race. 
Getting good luck licks from our doggie before heading to the start

I though I would preserve my legs and walk over to the hotel to catch the shuttle to the start. I should have just walked because there was only one bus going from the hotel to the start, which was packed every loop they did.

Finally getting on the bus (30 minutes later)
Between the shuttle being delayed and getting through bag check, I missed the group photo.  I got this one of me before the start.

Ready to go (if not a bit cold)
We got lined up in the corrals, the mood was decidedly different than Princeton, with people chatting with each other, pumping each other up.

In the corral ready to go
I decided my only race plan was to stay ahead of the 11 min mile pacer for as long as I could.  The race started and we were off. I will say running on roads I normally drive on is a very different (and cool) experience and it also is useful to know the course and where I am in the race.  

One highlight of the race was seeing my friends and family in our neighborhood. Talk about a high and having people cheering for you for almost a mile.  If for no other reason this is why I would totally recommend hometown races.

And friends make awesome signs.

And I get to have my family cheer me on (kiddo and I are wearing matching skirts) photos from two angles
I definitely felt good for 2 miles after the runner love from my family and friends. For this race I decided not to run with my runmeter (my phone dies by the end of the race when I use it) and instead with my timex watch as a timer.  Doing it this way gave me something to think about at each mile marker and also gave me an idea of where my time would be at the finish (and a Garmin watch is on my Christmas list, for now this works just fine).  My body was feeling pretty good until about mile 11 when my hips started to get tight and fatigued, I knew I was really in the home stretch and just needed to dig deep and finish since this was the last half until January.  Coming into the stadium for the finish, my family was there cheering for me which was just the final energy push I needed before the last lap around the outfield. 
My mom (red coat) and daughter cheering me on in the final stretch
Coming up on the finish line I could see that I was going to beat my Princeton Half time by 4 minutes, I had a little bit left at the end to pick up the pace and I crossed the finish strong.
Crossing the line!

So I ended up with a time of 2:24:00 and a new PR from the previous week! I picked up my medal, met my family for some photos with my daughter, picked up my warm clothes from bag check and then got ready for the kids race.  
Happy kiddo and momma
As long as I kept moving, my legs were not feeling too sore.  I knew that if I sat down, I would not be getting back up again for a while.  So we got kiddo lined up for the kids race (one lap around the stadium for the little kids) and she asked to run it with me, my husband would be taking photos while we ran.  The race started and kiddo and I were off.  

Happy Kiddo Running

She was so excited to run this race by herself and crossed the finish line strong!  We are very proud of her.  

We picked up her medal and then met our family so she could show them what she accomplished. 
Another medal to add to her collection (and mine too)
And then we caught the shuttle back towards our house where my legs finally said they had enough.  Good thing my mom was here to give me a quick massage :)
Love her!
So this experience was very different from the last one with the support of fellow runners, family and friends. I'll definitely have this race on my list for next year (and maybe not do 2 half marathons in 6 days or maybe not 2 half marathons with PR's). 

Is your fall racing season over? What are you looking forward to next?